City Lookup

Pick a row from these 14 close matches

ZipcodeCommunityCityStateMetro Area
18702City of wbWilkes barrePennsylvaniaScranton--Wilkes-Barre--Hazleton PA
24070CatawbaCatawbaVirginiaRoanoke VA
28609CatawbaCatawbaNorth CarolinaHickory-Lenoir-Morganton NC
29704CatawbaCatawbaSouth CarolinaCharlotte-Concord-Gastonia NC-SC
43010CatawbaCatawbaOhioSpringfield OH
49301Cascade twpAdaMichiganGrand Rapids-Wyoming MI
49331Cascade twpLowellMichiganGrand Rapids-Wyoming MI
49506Cascade twpGrand rapidsMichiganGrand Rapids-Wyoming MI
49512Cascade twpGrand rapidsMichiganGrand Rapids-Wyoming MI
49546Cascade twpGrand rapidsMichiganGrand Rapids-Wyoming MI
67336ChetopaChetopaKansasParsons KS
70345Cut offCut offLouisianaHouma-Thibodaux LA

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