City Lookup

Pick a row from these 15 close matches

ZipcodeCommunityCityStateMetro Area
17745CaldwellLock havenPennsylvaniaLock Haven PA
18218CoaldaleCoaldalePennsylvaniaPottsville PA
24724CoaldaleFreemanWest VirginiaBluefield WV-VA
24925CaldwellCaldwellWest Virginia
28078CaldwellHuntersvilleNorth CarolinaCharlotte-Concord-Gastonia NC-SC
67022CaldwellCaldwellKansasWichita KS
72322CaldwellCaldwellArkansasForrest City AR
77836CaldwellCaldwellTexasCollege Station-Bryan TX
81222CoaldaleCoaldaleColoradoCa�on City CO
83605CaldwellCaldwellIdahoBoise City ID
83606CaldwellCaldwellIdahoBoise City ID
83607CaldwellCaldwellIdahoBoise City ID
89049CoaldaleTonopahNevadaPahrump NV
98004Clyde hillBellevueWashingtonSeattle-Tacoma-Bellevue WA

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