City Lookup

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ZipcodeCommunityCityStateMetro Area
06264ScotlandScotlandConnecticutWorcester MA-CT
17254ScotlandScotlandPennsylvaniaChambersburg-Waynesboro PA
47909ShadelandLafayetteIndianaLafayette-West Lafayette IN
57059ScotlandScotlandSouth Dakota
60473South hollandSouth hollandIllinoisChicago-Naperville-Elgin IL-IN-WI
64836ScotlandCarthageMissouriJoplin MO
65567StoutlandStoutlandMissouriLebanon MO
76379ScotlandScotlandTexasWichita Falls TX
79364SouthlandSlatonTexasLubbock TX
91733South el monteSouth el monteCaliforniaLos Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim CA
95960SweetlandNorth san juanCaliforniaTruckee-Grass Valley CA

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