City Lookup

Pick a row from these 16 close matches

ZipcodeCommunityCityStateMetro Area
00687Sect berioMorovisPuerto RicoSan Juan-Carolina-Caguas PR
01074South barreSouth barreMassachusettsWorcester MA-CT
01776SudburySudburyMassachusettsBoston-Cambridge-Newton MA-NH
05650South woodburyEast calaisVermontBarre VT
05670South barreSouth barreVermontBarre VT
05733SudburyBrandonVermontRutland VT
06488SouthburySouthburyConnecticutNew Haven-Milford CT
24595Sweet briarSweet briarVirginiaLynchburg VA
29014StoverBlackstockSouth CarolinaCharlotte-Concord-Gastonia NC-SC
58701South prairieMinotNorth DakotaMinot ND
84405South weberOgdenUtahOgden-Clearfield UT
96017Sweet brierCastellaCaliforniaRedding CA
96085Scott barScott barCalifornia
98385South prairieSouth prairieWashingtonSeattle-Tacoma-Bellevue WA

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